Garden Bites toby toothbrush
- Delicious vegetarian chewy snack enriched with broccoli, sweet potato and bell bell pepper
- 55% zoete potato: rich in vitamins, calcium and iron, among others
- Gluten-free, easily digestible suitable for dogs with allergies
- The special shape playfully massages gums and cleans teeth
- Enriched with natural mint oil for fresh breath
- Approved by dogs as young as 6 months
- Delicious vegetarian chewy snack enriched with broccoli, sweet potato and bell bell pepper
- 55% zoete potato: rich in vitamins, calcium and iron, among others
- Gluten-free, easily digestible suitable for dogs with allergies
- The special shape playfully massages gums and cleans teeth
- Enriched with natural mint oil for fresh breath
- Approved by dogs as young as 6 months
Vegetarian and gluten-free chews for dogs
Vegetarian Garden Bites from duvoplus are an ideal reward or snack for your dog. Garden Bites contain no less than 55% sweet potato. Sweet potato is a valuable supplement in your dog’s diet. It is rich in vitamins, calcium, iron and more. The special shape helps massage the gums and clean the teeth during play. The natural mint extract also provides fresh breath. The snacks are 100% gluten-free which makes them easy to digest and highly suitable for dogs with allergies. The flavour makes these snacks completely irresistible!
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Size | S - 5cm - 50pcs - 500gr or L - 10cm - 10pcs - 500gr or L-10cm-50g-display or S-5cm-10g-display |
Animal | Dog |
Brand | duvoplus |
Subbrand | Garden Bites |
Size | S - 5cm - 50pcs - 500gr or L - 10cm - 10pcs - 500gr or L-10cm-50g-display or S-5cm-10g-display |
Animal | Dog |
Brand | duvoplus |
Subbrand | Garden Bites |
Vegetarian and gluten-free chews for dogs
Vegetarian and gluten-free chews for dogs
Vegetarian Garden Bites from duvoplus are an ideal reward or snack for your dog. Garden Bites contain no less than 55% sweet potato. Sweet potato is a valuable supplement in your dog’s diet. It is rich in vitamins, calcium, iron and more. The special shape helps massage the gums and clean the teeth during play. The natural mint extract also provides fresh breath. The snacks are 100% gluten-free which makes them easy to digest and highly suitable for dogs with allergies. The flavour makes these snacks completely irresistible!