Comment rendre le jeu à nouveau amusant?

Notice that your cat no longer seems to like his toys? This may have to do with prey habituation. Research has shown that cats are reluctant to chase prey that lie still, have no scent, or have been “bitten to death” by other cats before. Want to know how to get your cat excited about playing again? Here are a few effective tips!

1. Action = Attention

Cats are hunters by nature and are especially attracted to movement. A toy lying still on the ground does not arouse much interest. Try a play rod to stimulate your cat's hunting instinct. Move the rod back and forth quickly and hold the toy just out of her reach. This stimulates her curiosity and hunting instinct. Play for about three minutes at a time. speelhengel

2. Don't have time to actively play?

elektronisch speeltje  Then consider an electronic toy that moves by itself. This can also help your cat rediscover her playful side even when you're not home.

2. Smell and Texture

trappelkussenkruiden If your cat is interested in movement again, it's time to give her a real prey experience. You do this with a trapping pillow. Fill the pillow with enticing herbs such as catnip, valerian, or matatabi. These fragrant additions can help relax your cat, ease her tension, and encourage her to play with and kick her “prey”.

With these tips, you can revitalize your cat's playtime and her excited about games again. Have fun with your playful cat! 🐾


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