SUZY - alfombra de snacks
- Con fondo antideslizante
- Estimula el instinto natural de caza
- lazos resistentes para esconder snacks
- Diseño elegante y minimalista que se adapta a cualquier interior
- Combate el aburrimiento
Estera redonda y elegante para la hora del snack
The snack mat SUZY from D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats is designed in collaboration with cat behavior therapist Anneleen Bru. SUZY is a stylish snack mat for cats made of soft felt. Hide your cat's favorite treats among the loops of the felt and let your cat enjoy a playful search for treats. Besides being an enrichment for your cat, SUZY also seamlessly fits into your interior. Happy Tip! Hide both treats and regular food to keep your cat busy in a healthy way.
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Animales | Gato |
Talla | 30x30x2cm |
Marca | D&D |
Submarca | I love happy cats |
Color | Negro |
Animales | Gato |
Talla | 30x30x2cm |
Marca | D&D |
Submarca | I love happy cats |
Color | Negro |
Estera redonda y elegante para la hora del snack
Estera redonda y elegante para la hora del snack
The snack mat SUZY from D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats is designed in collaboration with cat behavior therapist Anneleen Bru. SUZY is a stylish snack mat for cats made of soft felt. Hide your cat's favorite treats among the loops of the felt and let your cat enjoy a playful search for treats. Besides being an enrichment for your cat, SUZY also seamlessly fits into your interior. Happy Tip! Hide both treats and regular food to keep your cat busy in a healthy way.