FREYA - Cardboard scratcher block
- Beautiful designer scratch block made of sturdy corrugated cardboard & MDF sides
- Available in 2 sizes
- Ideal for combining different heights for resting and scratching
- Cats scratch to release their pheromones and reduce stress
- Also serves as a platform to place food or water bowls on
- Cube shape and beautiful printing, easily fits into any interior
- Happy Cats are DOL on cardboard!
- Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru and European designers with an eye for aesthetics & the cat's needs
Stress-relieving block scratcher & platform for Happy Cats
Cats LOVE cardboard and elevated spaces, so you can never have enough FREYA stress-relieving block scratchers around the house. This block scratcher by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, is available in two sizes and doubles as a platform where your cat can eat, drink or rest. Its cube shape and eye-pleasing print make it an easy fit in every interior. Happy Tip! Place the scratchers dispersed around the house so your cats have one close by at all times. If your cats feel unsafe, they can jump on FREYA and feel safer and happier instantly.
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Material | Wood or Carton |
Properties | Corrugated cardboard or MDF |
Size | S - 30x30x15cm or L - 30x30x30cm |
Animal | Cat |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Brown |
Material | Wood or Carton |
Properties | Corrugated cardboard or MDF |
Size | S - 30x30x15cm or L - 30x30x30cm |
Animal | Cat |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Brown |
Stress-relieving block scratcher & platform for Happy Cats
Stress-relieving block scratcher & platform for Happy Cats
Cats LOVE cardboard and elevated spaces, so you can never have enough FREYA stress-relieving block scratchers around the house. This block scratcher by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, is available in two sizes and doubles as a platform where your cat can eat, drink or rest. Its cube shape and eye-pleasing print make it an easy fit in every interior. Happy Tip! Place the scratchers dispersed around the house so your cats have one close by at all times. If your cats feel unsafe, they can jump on FREYA and feel safer and happier instantly.