Amy cushion with frame
- Ergonomic cushion padded with memory foam: the cushion assumes the shapes of the dog's body
- Quality imitation coat
- Washable cover
- Metal frame with studs to protect the floor
- Dogs and cats naturally like to lie a little higher
- Approved by dogs and their owners
- Designed by European designers with an eye for aesthetics & comfort
Exceptionally soft cushion with metal frame
The Amy dog cushion is a particularly soft and comfortable napping spot for your dog. The quality fluffy cushion has a timeless look and is at home in any interior. The cushion is filled with memory foam flakes, enabling it to mould itself completely to your dog's body and provide support to prevent or relieve joint pain. Memory foam retains its shape and returns to its original form. The cover is washable. This cushion is placed on a black metal tubular frame with runners to protect the floor. This makes the bed even more luxurious.
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Material | Metal or Textile |
Properties | Metal or Memoryfoam or Plush or Polyester |
Size | S - 70x50x20cm or M - 90x65x20cm or L - 110x80x25cm |
Animal | Dog |
Brand | D&D |
Color | White |
Material | Metal or Textile |
Properties | Metal or Memoryfoam or Plush or Polyester |
Size | S - 70x50x20cm or M - 90x65x20cm or L - 110x80x25cm |
Animal | Dog |
Brand | D&D |
Color | White |
Exceptionally soft cushion with metal frame
Exceptionally soft cushion with metal frame
The Amy dog cushion is a particularly soft and comfortable napping spot for your dog. The quality fluffy cushion has a timeless look and is at home in any interior. The cushion is filled with memory foam flakes, enabling it to mould itself completely to your dog's body and provide support to prevent or relieve joint pain. Memory foam retains its shape and returns to its original form. The cover is washable. This cushion is placed on a black metal tubular frame with runners to protect the floor. This makes the bed even more luxurious.