PHOEBE - Cat transport bag
- Multifunctional transport bag with cat carrier and basket with cushion
- Bed can be used separately, the bed is easily unzipped and the cushion is washable
- You can use the basket part at the bottom to get your cat used to the carrier bag without associating it with an unpleasant event such as a visit to the vet
- Modern design in soft materials and in a round shape, the favorite shape of cats, it makes them feel safe!
- With handle and convenient storage pockets
- Suitable up to 7kg
- Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru and European designers tailored to Happy cats and owners
Multi-functional round transport bag for Happy Cats
PHOEBE by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, is a multi-functional transport bag for your cat. It is equipped with a cat carrier, house and bed/basket all in one. You can use the bottom basket to get your cat used to the carrier without associating it with an unpleasant event like a trip to the vet. The bed can be removed from the basket and is washable. The soft materials and round shape make your cat feel safe. PHOEBE has a handle on the top and the basket has 2 side handles for easy lifting. The handy compartments at the back of the basket complete this multi-purpose article. Perfect for storing your cat's passport and medication. Happy Tip! Train your cat to love her carrier by making it her bed all year round. Reward your cat for looking at it, touching it, smelling it, sitting in it, sleeping in it, and so on. Once your cat is comfortable sitting in the bag, start working towards 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, going up and down the stairs, sitting in the car, listening to the engine running and driving around the block. Finish each 'ride' with a nice plate of wet food and your cat will start to associate the carrier with enjoyable experiences. Do this every week so that your annual visit to the vet becomes part of the game.
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Animal | Cat |
Size | 50x35x40cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Black |
Animal | Cat |
Size | 50x35x40cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Black |
Multi-functional round transport bag for Happy Cats
Multi-functional round transport bag for Happy Cats
PHOEBE by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, is a multi-functional transport bag for your cat. It is equipped with a cat carrier, house and bed/basket all in one. You can use the bottom basket to get your cat used to the carrier without associating it with an unpleasant event like a trip to the vet. The bed can be removed from the basket and is washable. The soft materials and round shape make your cat feel safe. PHOEBE has a handle on the top and the basket has 2 side handles for easy lifting. The handy compartments at the back of the basket complete this multi-purpose article. Perfect for storing your cat's passport and medication. Happy Tip! Train your cat to love her carrier by making it her bed all year round. Reward your cat for looking at it, touching it, smelling it, sitting in it, sleeping in it, and so on. Once your cat is comfortable sitting in the bag, start working towards 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, going up and down the stairs, sitting in the car, listening to the engine running and driving around the block. Finish each 'ride' with a nice plate of wet food and your cat will start to associate the carrier with enjoyable experiences. Do this every week so that your annual visit to the vet becomes part of the game.