ARTHUR - Slicker brush
The ARTHUR slicker brush by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats allows you to effortlessly remove excess hair and tangles from your cat's coat. The small surface area allows you to brush in difficult places such as under the armpits or behind the ears. The very thin and curved pins gently thin out the thick undercoat without skin irritation. Arthur is extremely suitable for long-haired cats. Brush your four-legged friend regularly to keep the coat shiny and healthy. The ARTHUR slicker brush has an ergonomic handle and made of FSC-certified beech wood. Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru.
Happy Tip! Before using this brush, carefully remove tangles from your cat's coat with your fingers without pulling. Make sure you never pull out hairs that are still attached to your cat's body.
- Slicker brush with thin and curved pins, they gently thin out the undercoat
- Use this comb gently by combing only small pieces of cat hair
- Don't comb your cat all at once, but comb a few coat parts per session
- Reward your cat afterwards with something sweet
- Extremely suitable for long-haired cats
- Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru and European custom designers for Happy Cats
Slicker brush for Happy Cats
The ARTHUR slicker brush by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats allows you to effortlessly remove excess hair and tangles from your cat's coat. The small surface area allows you to brush in difficult places such as under the armpits or behind the ears. The very thin and curved pins gently thin out the thick undercoat without skin irritation. Arthur is extremely suitable for long-haired cats. Brush your four-legged friend regularly to keep the coat shiny and healthy. The ARTHUR slicker brush has an ergonomic handle and made of FSC-certified beech wood. Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru. Happy Tip! Before using this brush, carefully remove tangles from your cat's coat with your fingers without pulling. Make sure you never pull out hairs that are still attached to your cat's body.
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Material | Wood or Metal |
Properties | Metal or FSC wood |
Color | Black or Brown |
Animal | Cat |
Size | 17.7x6.1cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Material | Wood or Metal |
Properties | Metal or FSC wood |
Color | Black or Brown |
Animal | Cat |
Size | 17.7x6.1cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Slicker brush for Happy Cats
The ARTHUR slicker brush by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats allows you to effortlessly remove excess hair and tangles from your cat's coat. The small surface area allows you to brush in difficult places such as under the armpits or behind the ears. The very thin and curved pins gently thin out the thick undercoat without skin irritation. Arthur is extremely suitable for long-haired cats. Brush your four-legged friend regularly to keep the coat shiny and healthy. The ARTHUR slicker brush has an ergonomic handle and made of FSC-certified beech wood. Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru. Happy Tip! Before using this brush, carefully remove tangles from your cat's coat with your fingers without pulling. Make sure you never pull out hairs that are still attached to your cat's body.