DEAN - open cat toilet
- The ultimate litter box in a modern and minimalist black design
- Safe for your cat, it can get in and out from all sides
- Comfortable: your cat can see all around
- Easily accessible for scooping out and cleaning
- Two handles and flexible: easy to clean completely
- Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru and European designers with an eye for aesthetics & the cat's needs
Best cat toilet ever for Happy Cats
Cat toilet DEAN by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats is the ultimate cat toilet for happy cats, created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru. An optimal toilet is one of the most important ways to make your cat happy! DEAN is a modern & minimalist cat toilet with rounded edges, it is big enough for your cats to turn around freely, has high edges for safety and front entry. While using this toilet, your cat is able to keep an eye on her environment, making it a very safe place to use. DEAN is also ideal for cats that urinate standing up. DEAN has a flexible and beautiful design, easy-to-use handles and is made of plastic, BPA-free, making it non-toxic. All cats will love it so much! Happy Tip! Cats urinate and defecate in different locations in the wild, so make sure that you have at least two litter trays if you have one cat in the house. For every additional cat, you put one extra litter tray. This is the ultimate tip to keep your house clean at all times!
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Animal | Cat |
Size | 54.4x43.9x40.5cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Black |
Animal | Cat |
Size | 54.4x43.9x40.5cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Black |
Best cat toilet ever for Happy Cats
Best cat toilet ever for Happy Cats
Cat toilet DEAN by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats is the ultimate cat toilet for happy cats, created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru. An optimal toilet is one of the most important ways to make your cat happy! DEAN is a modern & minimalist cat toilet with rounded edges, it is big enough for your cats to turn around freely, has high edges for safety and front entry. While using this toilet, your cat is able to keep an eye on her environment, making it a very safe place to use. DEAN is also ideal for cats that urinate standing up. DEAN has a flexible and beautiful design, easy-to-use handles and is made of plastic, BPA-free, making it non-toxic. All cats will love it so much! Happy Tip! Cats urinate and defecate in different locations in the wild, so make sure that you have at least two litter trays if you have one cat in the house. For every additional cat, you put one extra litter tray. This is the ultimate tip to keep your house clean at all times!