ZORAN - reffilable kicking cushion
- Padded round head to kick against
- Refillable pouch with Velcro closure for catnip
- Includes a bag of Happy Cat herbal mix
- Encourages your cat to play
- Cat-shaped Happy Cat in teddy fabric and cotton
Cute kicking cushion in the shape of a cat for Happy Cats
With the ZORAN kicker from D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, your cat can play, kick, and cuddle to its heart's content. This adorable cat-shaped toy is made of teddy fabric and was designed in collaboration with cat behavior therapist Anneleen Bru. This extra-large kicker includes a pouch where you can insert our fantastic Happy Cats herbal mix or another scent your cat loves. Herbs such as dried valerian root, catnip, and silver vine cause an excited reaction that makes your cat want to 'kill' its prey. The shape of ZORAN perfectly mimics the shape and size of natural prey of cats in the wild, allowing your cat to imitate how it deals with prey. Your cat will firmly grasp ZORAN with its front paws and then bite and kick at it with its powerful hind legs. A real must-have for every cat. Happy Tip! Kickers are an ideal prey that you can give to your cat after an interactive hunting game with a rod.
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Animal | Cat |
Size | 19x5x16cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Gray |
Animal | Cat |
Size | 19x5x16cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Gray |
Cute kicking cushion in the shape of a cat for Happy Cats
Cute kicking cushion in the shape of a cat for Happy Cats
With the ZORAN kicker from D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, your cat can play, kick, and cuddle to its heart's content. This adorable cat-shaped toy is made of teddy fabric and was designed in collaboration with cat behavior therapist Anneleen Bru. This extra-large kicker includes a pouch where you can insert our fantastic Happy Cats herbal mix or another scent your cat loves. Herbs such as dried valerian root, catnip, and silver vine cause an excited reaction that makes your cat want to 'kill' its prey. The shape of ZORAN perfectly mimics the shape and size of natural prey of cats in the wild, allowing your cat to imitate how it deals with prey. Your cat will firmly grasp ZORAN with its front paws and then bite and kick at it with its powerful hind legs. A real must-have for every cat. Happy Tip! Kickers are an ideal prey that you can give to your cat after an interactive hunting game with a rod.