Petit chew toy Milo
Toy Milo by PETIT is a chew toy for puppies and small dogs. The movable tentacles are made of durable nylon rope. They are soothing while chewing and help keep teeth clean. They are finished with rubber ends that create an interesting chewing surface. The Milo's elastic, rubberized round head provides a good grip during play. The pastel color of the Milo is one of the few colors a dog can perceive.
- Contemporary chew toy in the shape of an octopus cleans teeth and massages gums
- Durable, tear-resistant TPE rubber and nylon ropes
- Pastel blue is one of the few colors a dog can perceive
- Safe, contains no BPA and is dishwasher safe
- Suitable for soft chewers, puppies like to bite at the ropes while playing
- Designed by European designers with an eye for aesthetics & the needs of puppies
Milo chew toy with nylon rope for puppies and small dogs
Toy Milo by PETIT is a chew toy for puppies and small dogs. The movable tentacles are made of durable nylon rope. They are soothing while chewing and help keep teeth clean. They are finished with rubber ends that create an interesting chewing surface. The Milo's elastic, rubberized round head provides a good grip during play. The pastel color of the Milo is one of the few colors a dog can perceive.
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Material | Plastic or Rubber |
Properties | Nylon or Rubber |
Animal | Dog |
Size | 18x7x7cm |
Brand | EBI |
Subbrand | Petit |
Color | Blue |
Material | Plastic or Rubber |
Properties | Nylon or Rubber |
Animal | Dog |
Size | 18x7x7cm |
Brand | EBI |
Subbrand | Petit |
Color | Blue |
Milo chew toy with nylon rope for puppies and small dogs
Toy Milo by PETIT is a chew toy for puppies and small dogs. The movable tentacles are made of durable nylon rope. They are soothing while chewing and help keep teeth clean. They are finished with rubber ends that create an interesting chewing surface. The Milo's elastic, rubberized round head provides a good grip during play. The pastel color of the Milo is one of the few colors a dog can perceive.