TLC Soft cat snack chicken (2 x 50g)
The Tender Loving Care or TLC snacks from duvoplus are deliciously soft and tasty premium cat snacks. They are produced in the EU and they contain no artificial colorings or aromas. This gluten-free variant with chicken contains more than 70% meat, as well as rice and oregano oil for optimal texture and taste. They are the ideal reward snacks, GMO-free and hypoallergenic.
- 2 sachets x 50g
- Snack with chicken: high content of fresh meat +70%,
- No artificial flavors or dyes
- Gluten-free, GMO-free and hypoallergenic
- Produced in Europe
- Approved by cats
Soft premium cat snack with chicken
The Tender Loving Care or TLC snacks from duvoplus are deliciously soft and tasty premium cat snacks. They are produced in the EU and they contain no artificial colorings or aromas. This gluten-free variant with chicken contains more than 70% meat, as well as rice and oregano oil for optimal texture and taste. They are the ideal reward snacks, GMO-free and hypoallergenic.
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Animal | Cat |
Brand | duvoplus |
Subbrand | Tender Loving Care |
Animal | Cat |
Brand | duvoplus |
Subbrand | Tender Loving Care |
Soft premium cat snack with chicken
The Tender Loving Care or TLC snacks from duvoplus are deliciously soft and tasty premium cat snacks. They are produced in the EU and they contain no artificial colorings or aromas. This gluten-free variant with chicken contains more than 70% meat, as well as rice and oregano oil for optimal texture and taste. They are the ideal reward snacks, GMO-free and hypoallergenic.