Tips to keep your pet cool during the summer

It's hot. Not only for us but also for our beloved pets. Dogs and cats perspire differently. Here are some tips to make the hot summer days a little easier.


Tip 1: Drink sufficiently

Keep your dog or cat hydrated during hot weather with a water bottle or drinking fountain. During hot days, they don't sweat like humans do. Therefore, it is essential that they always have access to fresh water. De Manoa drinking fountain keeps the water flowing continuously, keeping it fresher and more appealing to your pet(s). A compact drinking bottle on the go is always handy! Encourage your dog or cat to drink more by putting several water bowls in different places. Put them in a quiet place where your pet can look around well.

Tip 2: cool snacks

Treat your pet to a cool snack. For example, spread alicking mat with pate and put it in the freezer overnight. Your dog or cat will enjoy licking it off. You can also fill a Garden Bites chewy snackwith dog paste and store it overnight in the freezer. The next day your dog has a tasty ice cream that will keep him busy for some time.

Tip 3: Playing with water

Provide refreshment via a small pool or water toys. Give puppies and small dogs endless chewing fun with the Coco water toy . Dip it in water and the toy becomes an attractive water source. It can also be chilled in the refrigerator for extra refreshment.

Tip 4: A fresh resting place

Create a fresh resting place. The ideal resting place for your cat is a high but fresh spot. Place the Kyo window bench basketon the outside of your window in the shade so your cat can relax outside at night and keep an eye on everything.

Create a cool resting spot for your dog by placing the dog cushion or dog basket in the coolest place in the house such as the hallway, garage, storage room or ... the toilet. Go exploring! 

Tips for recognizing and preventing dental problems in your dog or cat.