How do I play with my cat?

Playing with your cat for 10 to 20 minutes every day is nice, but also important for your cat's physical, mental health.

By playing often, your cat will be able to express his natural behaviour and do less mischief. He will also feel less like chasing birds and other wild animals outside.

Stimulate his natural instincts

Playing is actually an expression of his hunting behaviour. Cats are especially attracted to new things and movement. Toys  that sit on the floor for a while won't find them as attractive. Put toys away, swap them around and give new things regularly. Cats like to detect movement in the distance, so stand a few metres from your cat to play with a fishing rod or throw a cuddly toy away.  Quick movements also encourage play. Always move toys away from the cat and let them disappear behind a corner or under a cupboard.

Discover your cat's favourite play style  

Provide toys of different shapes and sizes, such as small toys that your cat can pick up and throw around and larger  toys that he can claw and kick against properly. Toys with a laser, toys that move or make sounds.. the choice is endless.

Cats have a sophisticated nose and enjoy discovering different scents. Most owners are familiar with catnip that you can sprinkle on a  scratching post or put in a toy...

Enrich your cat even when you are not at home.

Does your cat sleep inside the house all day ? He might be bored. Cats are social animals that need the company of friendly cats. They prefer to live with family members. Boredom can also lead to problems for your cat, such as destructive behaviour, anxiety and obesity

Use snacks as encouragement and reward

If your cat is motivated by food, you can give him some extra incentive to play by using food as a reward. Hide snacks around the house so your cat can go on a scavenger hunt, or put his kibble in a slow feeder/ puzzel so your cat has to work for his food. This will keep him occupied for longer and make him more active..

You can also use snacks as an incentive to teach your cat a few tricks! But you have to be much more patient than with a dog. Beware, give healthy snacks in moderation.

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