How do I choose the perfect cat basket?

While 8 hours of sleep a day is enough for us, a cat easily sleeps double that. Since sleep is important to a cat, so is a good place to sleep. A cat likes to be near you but also likes to have her own place where she feels safe. So how do you choose the perfect sleeping and resting place for your cat? 


First of all, there is the model. Did you know that cats like to lie inround dimples ? A dimple reminds a cat of pits in the desert where they used to lie down to spy on their prey. If a cat didn't find a pit in the past, she would spy on her prey from the air. That's whybaskets at heightare the ideal choice. This way your cat has a good overview of its surroundings and feels safe.


Secondly, the material is important. Cats like soft and warm baskets. A basket made of a warm fabric such as thick felt or with a are good examples. In addition, baskets made of natural material such as reed and corn leaf basketsare also popular. In fact, this is similar to the former nesting material cats used to make their sleeping place.


A final tip is hiding. Cats are not only hunters but also prey animals. Therefore, it is important for them to be able to hide. In a hiding place, they feel safe and relaxed. A cat house or scratching posts with a house is therefore ideal.

Oh no, a tick!