Oh no, a tick!

It's that time again, tick season has started. It is wonderful to take a walk with your dog through the woods, but if your dog walks along bushes or through tall grass, he can contract ticks. A tick bite can cause disease if you don't remove the tick in time or incorrectly.

How much and where to check for a tick?

It's important to regularly check your dog for ticks. During tick season, it is best to do this daily. When your dog has been outside and just before brushing. You use your fingers to look for bumps under the armpits, in the neck, behind the ears, between the toes, at the base of the tail. In short, everywhere... Moreover, you will see that your dog likes the extra attention.

How do you remove a tick?

Use a tick remover. Be sure not to pull the tick out with your fingers. That way your dog will have a greater chance of getting infected. Place the tip of the tick remover over the tick as close to the skin as possible and make a dragging motion to remove the tick. You will see that the tick will come off on its own. 

​ Japandi Noir's tick remover allows you to quickly and accurately remove a tick. Because of the dragging motion, unlike with tick forceps or tweezers, tearing off the tick's body is no longer possible. Because the tick is not squeezed, you run less risk of the tick emptying its stomach contents, containing possible bacteria. Hang the tick remover on your set of keys so you have it with you anytime, anywhere.

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