4 ways your cat expresses his love

A cat can love its owner, but not all cats show this in the way we would expect.

Cats can indeed feel affection for humans and have similar emotions to ours. For example, they like being around us and very much enjoy our presence. But some cats are already more affectionate than others. Some come to lie on your neck others are just near you but prefer not to be touched. Although they show it differently, they both express the same thing, love.

The most important age for bonding with your cat is between 2 and 9 weeks of age. If you then spend enough time with your kitten often enough and they are also comfortable, a bond of trust can develop that will last a lifetime.

This is how you can tell that your cat loves you!

1. Your cat follows you

If your cat follows you everywhere, it means he likes being around you. Some cats feel threatened by a person's size. So even if your cat only enters the bedroom while you are lying on the bed, or she only comes near you while you are sitting on the couch, he likes to see you. 

2. Your cat blinks his eyes at you

Happy cats tend to blink their eyes slowly and softly. When you blink your eyes back, it strengthens the bond of trust between them. By the way, looking each other straight in the eye has the opposite effect. You better not do this!

3. Your cat's tail is up

If your cat raises its tail in the air, you can tell that it is happy. Tail twitching, by the way, is the ultimate form of happiness! (Without spraying, of course) The key to a cat's happiness is to set up an environment where the cat feels safe and can express all the behaviors that are natural to her. For example, they must be able to hunt, scratch, shelter, eat and drink. 

4. Your cat shows its belly

When your cat lies down on its back, it is exposing itself to enormous vulnerability. Exposing itself openly to you is the ultimate sign of trust! Beware, this doesn't always mean she wants to be petted on her belly. 😉

This is how you can tell if your dog is really happy.