Cojines para perro Ellis
- Almohada de diseño rellena de copos de espuma viscoelástica de gran confort
- Memoryfoam es dimensionalmente estable evita & alivia el dolor articular
- 2 lujosos tejidos interiores en tonos azules
- Funda de cojín lavable con parte inferior antideslizante
- Aprobado por los perros y sus dueños
- Diseñado por diseñadores europeos con un ojo para la estética & comodidad
Estilosos cojines para perro con 2 tipos de materiales
D&D Home Ellis cushion is a stylish dog cushion filled with memory foam flakes that allows the cushion to shape itself to your dog`s body and provides support to prevent or relieve joint pain. The main characteristic of memory foam is that it is dimensionally stable and returns to its original shape. The cushion cover is made using two different kinds of interior fabric in which `ton-sur-ton` colours have been used to create a peaceful whole. Stains are less visible because of the coarser fabric. The cover is washable and as we have also used a woven inner cushion, it will last far longer if the cushion is taken in and out frequently. The weight of the cushion and the non-slip bottom mean that it will not move quickly.
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Características | Tejido interior o Memoryfoam |
Talla | M - 90x65x12 cm o L - 110x80x12cm o S - 70x50x10cm |
Animales | Perro |
Marca | D&D |
Color | Azul |
Características | Tejido interior o Memoryfoam |
Talla | M - 90x65x12 cm o L - 110x80x12cm o S - 70x50x10cm |
Animales | Perro |
Marca | D&D |
Color | Azul |
Estilosos cojines para perro con 2 tipos de materiales
Estilosos cojines para perro con 2 tipos de materiales
D&D Home Ellis cushion is a stylish dog cushion filled with memory foam flakes that allows the cushion to shape itself to your dog`s body and provides support to prevent or relieve joint pain. The main characteristic of memory foam is that it is dimensionally stable and returns to its original shape. The cushion cover is made using two different kinds of interior fabric in which `ton-sur-ton` colours have been used to create a peaceful whole. Stains are less visible because of the coarser fabric. The cover is washable and as we have also used a woven inner cushion, it will last far longer if the cushion is taken in and out frequently. The weight of the cushion and the non-slip bottom mean that it will not move quickly.