DAVID - Estante de pared de cartón re
- Estantería de pared de cartón con soporte metálico de diseño y fabricada en resistente cartón ondulado y MDF
- Disponible en 3 formas
- Recambio de cartón disponible en la tienda web
- Combine los 3 estantes murales David para crear una gran pared para gatos
- Perfecto mirador y lugar seguro
- ¡Happy Cats son DOL en cartón!
- Diseñado en colaboración con Anneleen Bru, especialista en comportamiento felino, y diseñadores europeos que tienen en cuenta la estética y las necesidades de los gatos
Estante de pared de cartón para Happy Cats
Cats are tree climbers who love to go up high. They need a look-out and feel safer up high than at floor level. The wall shelves DAVID by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, are made of corrugated cardboard and will be a big hit with your feline friend as they are made of your cat´s favourite material. DAVID shelves can be installed on the wall anywhere you like. Create a cat wall tailored to your cat by mixing & matching 3 different shapes, with a running & scratching shelf, stepping stone or wavy resting spots. The metal holder is very stylish and easy to install and the cardboard element can be replaced after wear and tear. Happy Tip! You can create a lot more living space for your cats up high, by using these beautiful shelves to make the top of existing cupboards and wardrobes more accessible.
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Material | Metal o Cartón |
Características | Metal o Cartón corrugado o MDF |
Talla | S - 30x29x24cm o L - 60x29x24cm o Curvo - 60x29x24cm |
Animales | Gato |
Marca | D&D |
Submarca | I love happy cats |
Color | Beige |
Material | Metal o Cartón |
Características | Metal o Cartón corrugado o MDF |
Talla | S - 30x29x24cm o L - 60x29x24cm o Curvo - 60x29x24cm |
Animales | Gato |
Marca | D&D |
Submarca | I love happy cats |
Color | Beige |
Estante de pared de cartón para Happy Cats
Estante de pared de cartón para Happy Cats
Cats are tree climbers who love to go up high. They need a look-out and feel safer up high than at floor level. The wall shelves DAVID by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, are made of corrugated cardboard and will be a big hit with your feline friend as they are made of your cat´s favourite material. DAVID shelves can be installed on the wall anywhere you like. Create a cat wall tailored to your cat by mixing & matching 3 different shapes, with a running & scratching shelf, stepping stone or wavy resting spots. The metal holder is very stylish and easy to install and the cardboard element can be replaced after wear and tear. Happy Tip! You can create a lot more living space for your cats up high, by using these beautiful shelves to make the top of existing cupboards and wardrobes more accessible.