MAEVE - Mana circular
- Suave manta de tela de peluche
- Forma redonda y plana personalizada para Happy Cats
- Dar la vuelta al color correcto: anverso blanco, reverso negro
- Ideal para camas, sofás, mesas de cocina u otros muebles
- A tu gato le encantará su propio rincón mullido
- Diseñado en colaboración con Anneleen Bru, especialista en comportamiento felino, y diseñadores europeos que tienen en cuenta la estética y las necesidades de los gatos
Manta suave y circular para dormir y Happy Cats
MAEVE by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, is a soft round plaid.. This plaid gives your cat the opportunity to have her own bed on top of your bed! It will help to keep cat hairs off the sheets and provide your cat with a safe and familiar place to sleep and rest. The round shape is perfect as cats tend to roll themselves into a beautiful round when they sleep :). Our maeve has a soft teddy fabric and has a flat surface because cats prefer to lie on a flat cushion instead of convex one. You can flip the plaid onto the white or black side. Happy Tip! You can also use the MAEVE on sofas, kitchen tables or other furniture. Your cat will love to have her own safe spot.
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Color | Negro o Blanco |
Animales | Gato |
Talla | 50x50x1cm |
Marca | D&D |
Submarca | I love happy cats |
Color | Negro o Blanco |
Animales | Gato |
Talla | 50x50x1cm |
Marca | D&D |
Submarca | I love happy cats |
Manta suave y circular para dormir y Happy Cats
Manta suave y circular para dormir y Happy Cats
MAEVE by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, is a soft round plaid.. This plaid gives your cat the opportunity to have her own bed on top of your bed! It will help to keep cat hairs off the sheets and provide your cat with a safe and familiar place to sleep and rest. The round shape is perfect as cats tend to roll themselves into a beautiful round when they sleep :). Our maeve has a soft teddy fabric and has a flat surface because cats prefer to lie on a flat cushion instead of convex one. You can flip the plaid onto the white or black side. Happy Tip! You can also use the MAEVE on sofas, kitchen tables or other furniture. Your cat will love to have her own safe spot.