IGGY - Bandeja de comida enriquecida con 3 niveles
- 3 cuencos desafiantes en 3 alturas diferentes
- Elegantes cuencos de cerámica con un pesado disco de madera que mantiene todo en su sitio
- Hace que su gato coma más despacio de forma lúdica y previene problemas de salud
- Protectores antideslizantes en la parte inferior, evitan arañazos en el suelo
- Los cuencos se pueden lavar en el lavavajillas
- Diseñado en colaboración con la especialista en comportamiento felino Anneleen Bru y diseñadores europeos con ojo para la estética & las necesidades de Happy Cats
Desafiante plato con 3 boles para Happy Cats
The enriched slow feeder IGGY by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats is created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru. This beautiful designer food tray with 3 bowls in different heights encourages your cat to eat in a playful way and will slow down its food intake, which is good for their physical and mental wellbeing. Providing multiple feeding locations around the house with enriched food trays like IGGY is good for your cat and helps to prevent boredom, stress and overweight. The stylish artisanal ceramic bowls are placed on a wooden plate, which keeps them steady when your cat uses its paws while eating. The protective protectors on the bottom prevents scratches on your floor and keeps IGGY in place. Happy Tip! Provide multiple feeding locations throughout the house, because cats need options!
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Material | Madera o Cerámica |
Color | Negro o Marrón |
Animales | Gato |
Talla | 27x27x19cm |
Marca | D&D |
Submarca | I love happy cats |
Material | Madera o Cerámica |
Color | Negro o Marrón |
Animales | Gato |
Talla | 27x27x19cm |
Marca | D&D |
Submarca | I love happy cats |
Desafiante plato con 3 boles para Happy Cats
Desafiante plato con 3 boles para Happy Cats
The enriched slow feeder IGGY by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats is created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru. This beautiful designer food tray with 3 bowls in different heights encourages your cat to eat in a playful way and will slow down its food intake, which is good for their physical and mental wellbeing. Providing multiple feeding locations around the house with enriched food trays like IGGY is good for your cat and helps to prevent boredom, stress and overweight. The stylish artisanal ceramic bowls are placed on a wooden plate, which keeps them steady when your cat uses its paws while eating. The protective protectors on the bottom prevents scratches on your floor and keeps IGGY in place. Happy Tip! Provide multiple feeding locations throughout the house, because cats need options!