ADAM - Comb
- Detangling comb with widely spaced teeth, ideal for any cat coat
- Use this comb gently by combing only small pieces of cat hair
- Please do not pull out tangles with this comb, untangle tangles with your fingers first
- Don't comb your cat all at once, but comb a few coat parts per session. Reward your cat with a treat afterwards
- Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru and European custom designers for Happy Cats
Detangling comb for Happy Cats
With the ADAM comb by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, you can keep your cat's coat healthy and strong. By combing with ADAM daily, you can prevent tangle formation. Comb vertically in small areas from bottom to top, so you won't hurt your cat. Your cat's skin and coat are incredibly sensitive with millions of receptors, so make sure to never pull out hairs that are still attached to your cat's body when using this comb. ADAM is a professional care product, equipped with an ergonomic handle, made of FSC-certified beech wood. Created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru. Happy Tip! Being combed is not pleasant for most cats, so make it fun with just a few strokes per session, providing a treat after every stroke.
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Material | Wood or Metal |
Properties | Metal or FSC wood |
Color | Black or Brown |
Animal | Cat |
Size | 23x3.5cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Material | Wood or Metal |
Properties | Metal or FSC wood |
Color | Black or Brown |
Animal | Cat |
Size | 23x3.5cm |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Detangling comb for Happy Cats
Detangling comb for Happy Cats
With the ADAM comb by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats, you can keep your cat's coat healthy and strong. By combing with ADAM daily, you can prevent tangle formation. Comb vertically in small areas from bottom to top, so you won't hurt your cat. Your cat's skin and coat are incredibly sensitive with millions of receptors, so make sure to never pull out hairs that are still attached to your cat's body when using this comb. ADAM is a professional care product, equipped with an ergonomic handle, made of FSC-certified beech wood. Created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru. Happy Tip! Being combed is not pleasant for most cats, so make it fun with just a few strokes per session, providing a treat after every stroke.