ACE - Drinkingbowl
- Large and low drinking bowl customized for Happy Cats
- Safe and pleasant for whiskers
- Solid and artisanal ceramics
- Non-slip protectors on the bottom, keeps the bowl in place
- Dishwasher safe
- Designed in collaboration with cat behaviorist Anneleen Bru and European designers with an eye for aesthetics & the cat's needs
Extra large ceramic drinking bowl for Happy Cats
The big drinking bowl ACE by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats is created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru. Cats naturally do not drink easily because in the wild, they get enough hydration from eating live prey. So, an optimal water environment which encourages them to drink is very important for their wellbeing. We love providing our cats with big low bowls like ACE which resemble small water puddles and which make sure their whiskers do not touch the edges because they are so sensitive! ACE drinking bowls are made of high quality ceramic which influences the taste of the water less than plastic and which makes the bowls dishwasher-proof. The protective protectors on the bottom prevent scratches on your floor & keep it in place. Happy Tip! Place multiple ACE drinking bowls around the house in safe spots as well as passageways to encourage your cat to drink. NEVER put water bowls next to a food bowl, because this is very unnatural for cats and will discourage your cat from drinking. Cats love to use drinking bowls that are placed +/- 30 cm from the wall, it makes the bowl safer as they can then drink with their backs to the wall.
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Size | L - 20x20x4.5cm or XL - 25x25x4.5cm |
Animal | Cat |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Black |
Size | L - 20x20x4.5cm or XL - 25x25x4.5cm |
Animal | Cat |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Color | Black |
Extra large ceramic drinking bowl for Happy Cats
Extra large ceramic drinking bowl for Happy Cats
The big drinking bowl ACE by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats is created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru. Cats naturally do not drink easily because in the wild, they get enough hydration from eating live prey. So, an optimal water environment which encourages them to drink is very important for their wellbeing. We love providing our cats with big low bowls like ACE which resemble small water puddles and which make sure their whiskers do not touch the edges because they are so sensitive! ACE drinking bowls are made of high quality ceramic which influences the taste of the water less than plastic and which makes the bowls dishwasher-proof. The protective protectors on the bottom prevent scratches on your floor & keep it in place. Happy Tip! Place multiple ACE drinking bowls around the house in safe spots as well as passageways to encourage your cat to drink. NEVER put water bowls next to a food bowl, because this is very unnatural for cats and will discourage your cat from drinking. Cats love to use drinking bowls that are placed +/- 30 cm from the wall, it makes the bowl safer as they can then drink with their backs to the wall.