DEVIN - Unscented clumping cat litter (2x)
D&D HOME DEVIN unscented cat litter by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, to provide the best cat litter your cat has ever used. Cats lived and evolved in a desert-like climate for thousands of years so they prefer a non-scented, fine litter that is soft for their sensitive paws. For you as the care taker, DEVIN cat litter is easy and economical to use because the natural clay is highly absorbent and clumps very quickly. This 100% white bentonite litter sheds almost no dust, so your cat's paws and your floor stay dry and clean. Your cats will love it! Happy Tip! Scoop your litter tray every single day at least 1 time. Treat your litter tray like a baby's diaper and keep it clean at all times!
- 2 bags of 12kg
- No added scents which cats prefer
- Solid litter clumps for easy scooping
- No dust and a minimum of run-out
- Absorbs smells perfectly
- Soft & smooth, perfect for sensitive paws
- Pallet 78 bags = 20% discount in BE and NL (send an email to
Most attractive fine cat litter for Happy Cats
D&D HOME DEVIN unscented cat litter by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, to provide the best cat litter your cat has ever used. Cats lived and evolved in a desert-like climate for thousands of years so they prefer a non-scented, fine litter that is soft for their sensitive paws. For you as the care taker, DEVIN cat litter is easy and economical to use because the natural clay is highly absorbent and clumps very quickly. This 100% white bentonite litter sheds almost no dust, so your cat's paws and your floor stay dry and clean. Your cats will love it! Happy Tip! Scoop your litter tray every single day at least 1 time. Treat your litter tray like a baby's diaper and keep it clean at all times!
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Animal | Cat |
Size | 2x 12kg/13,8L |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Animal | Cat |
Size | 2x 12kg/13,8L |
Brand | D&D |
Subbrand | I love happy cats |
Most attractive fine cat litter for Happy Cats
D&D HOME DEVIN unscented cat litter by D&D Home | I LOVE Happy Cats created in collaboration with cat behaviourist Anneleen Bru, to provide the best cat litter your cat has ever used. Cats lived and evolved in a desert-like climate for thousands of years so they prefer a non-scented, fine litter that is soft for their sensitive paws. For you as the care taker, DEVIN cat litter is easy and economical to use because the natural clay is highly absorbent and clumps very quickly. This 100% white bentonite litter sheds almost no dust, so your cat's paws and your floor stay dry and clean. Your cats will love it! Happy Tip! Scoop your litter tray every single day at least 1 time. Treat your litter tray like a baby's diaper and keep it clean at all times!