Teddy cat fishing rod
D&D HOME cat fishing rod Teddy is a stylish, interactive cat toy. The rod itself is made of birch wood. The EVA ball with tail hangs from a black, elastic cord. When the cat tries to catch its prey it jumps in all directions. With a fishing rod, you can give your cat extra incentive to play with you, keeping him fit and healthy. Cats that don't get enough exercise can get fat faster, causing health problems. Playtime fun guaranteed!
- Trendy cat rod with a black ball
- Birchwood stick with black handle & 60cm long elastic band
- With playful black tail and black bell for added playtime fun
- Approved by cats and their owners
- Designed by European designers with an eye for aesthetics & fun
Trendy Teddy cat handle with ball
D&D HOME cat fishing rod Teddy is a stylish, interactive cat toy. The rod itself is made of birch wood. The EVA ball with tail hangs from a black, elastic cord. When the cat tries to catch its prey it jumps in all directions. With a fishing rod, you can give your cat extra incentive to play with you, keeping him fit and healthy. Cats that don't get enough exercise can get fat faster, causing health problems. Playtime fun guaranteed!
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Material | Wood or Textile |
Properties | Ball or Birchwood or Elastic or EVA Ball |
Animal | Cat |
Size | Rod 35cm - Elastic 60cm |
Brand | D&D |
Color | Black |
Material | Wood or Textile |
Properties | Ball or Birchwood or Elastic or EVA Ball |
Animal | Cat |
Size | Rod 35cm - Elastic 60cm |
Brand | D&D |
Color | Black |
Trendy Teddy cat handle with ball
D&D HOME cat fishing rod Teddy is a stylish, interactive cat toy. The rod itself is made of birch wood. The EVA ball with tail hangs from a black, elastic cord. When the cat tries to catch its prey it jumps in all directions. With a fishing rod, you can give your cat extra incentive to play with you, keeping him fit and healthy. Cats that don't get enough exercise can get fat faster, causing health problems. Playtime fun guaranteed!