Help!!! My cat scratches the seat, how do I unlearn this?

Are you familiar with this scenario? Or do you want to avoid at all costs that your brand new sofa becomes your cat's favorite scratching post? Cats do scratch and that's perfectly normal, but does it have to be where you don't want it? Read some tips below.

Why does the cat scratch?

It might be good to first understand why cats feel the need to scratch. Scratching is normal, natural cat behavior. Cats scratch for several reasons, namely the following:

  • Marking territory

A cat's paws contain scent glands, and scratching things releases odors that mark its territory. It is important for cats' social structure to use this method of communication. Even if you only have one cat in your household, she will feel the need to relay information this way.

  • Claw maintenance

Regular scratching helps take the outer shell off the nails to keep the claw healthy.

  • Discharging stress

When a cat is stressed, it also scratches to release scent. Smelling its own scent feels familiar and safe

  • Stretching

Locking her nails and stretching on a scratching post provides extensive stretching of the muscles and tendons in a cat's body, from toes to neck and shoulders.

The right place to scratch

By now it's clear that your cat has a natural need to scratch. The trick is to get him to scratch your scratching post, scratching board, or other scratching object instead of your couch. Therefore, it is recommended to provide multiple scratching places in your home in the material your cat prefers.

Moreover, the location of the scratching post is also important. If the scratching post is not in the right place or is not long enough, your cat will still prefer to use your couch. Therefore, pay close attention to the following points when choosing a scratching post:

  • Place it near the door or near the cat's sleeping place. This allows him to stretch out after a nap and is also good for his need to mark.
  • Does your cat prefer to scratch horizontally or vertically? Try both options.
  • Make sure the scratching post is long enough for your cat to stretch out. 
  • Does your cat prefer the fabric couch, wooden table leg or wicker carpet? Choose a scratching post in the material your cat prefers to scratch.
  • Provide multiple scratching posts and shelves, in different places, large and small.
  • Cats like sturdiness to be able to exert themselves properly. Therefore, make sure the scratching post is stable.

Shame! Or isn't it?

Prevention is better than cure. It is very difficult to unlearn a cat's behavior and cats just scratch, you can't unlearn that completely. It is therefore best to start as early as possible with a scratching post. Reward your cat when it walks up to the scratching post and when it scratches there. Try not to punish your cat when he scratches the sofa, he will get even more stressed and ... scratch! You can make the scratching post extra attractive by sprinkling some catnip on it.

Good luck!

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